The Chest Tube

There once was a tube with a twin left behind so it was all by itself inside a person. 

Its purpose in life was to draw enough fluid,

from the body out into the drain. 


Its first vibrations were felt through the skin, but soon they stuck in the brain.

Vibes could sense the pressure of a door left ajar, 

waiting for something to happen. 


One drain was enough,

as it turned out.

But it still missed its friend for support. 

It tunneled deep and around from the back to the chest, until life was turned inside out.  


I hate the tube. One person said.

It’s uncomfortable and I can’t really shower.


So the drain tried harder every day that it was needed, 

so it could suck the negativity out. 


Air can be dangerous, the tube once thought, as the fluid was discarded once again. 

But if it was, the drain mused, there was always a kind of help. 

A friend, like a twin, was somewhere close. 

One response to “The Chest Tube”

  1. Interesting and fun to read. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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