

Their laughter once darted in and out of spaces just big enough to get syllables stuck. Words like ‘pre-teen’ and ‘puberty’ barely made it through. Glitter framed snap shots of pig tails and thick gums were slowly surrendered to a box under the bed. Their smiles were embarrassing secrets. Mouths that moved over smooth lined sentences clashed with childhood lisps. They were suddenly clamped shut, shuffled into a straight line. Their laughter is no longer the same.

5 responses to “Braces”

  1. And such a beautiful mystery to those of us who never had them.


  2. I had them as a child & as an adult I’ve known a guy who had a braces fetish


  3. Ahh, the very torturous journey from adolescence into maturity highlighted by the conformity of braces. Good writing.


  4. Your writing is literally the best I’ve read on wordpress. I wish I could connect words like this.


  5. Perhaps I’m simply feeling nostalgic, this is so good I want to read more.


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