The Office Chair


Dear Office Chair,

We’ve been together a long time now, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to call it quits. When we first met, I was young, flexible, and could handle anything. Even your rigidity.

When we touched, you were like ice. Cold and sturdy, you never caved. At first I thought your solidity was key to our success, but then something happened. I became restless.

My weight was too much for you and I could feel it. When I begged for comfort, you refused. You held fast to your position, making it clear that you would not budge. You would not cradle my body in your non-existent arms. You would not soften my aches and pains.

Last week, I met someone new. Someone who was both sturdy and supportive. You were my first and I will always remember you, but sadly, you are not my last.


17 responses to “The Office Chair”

  1. Dear Employee,

    I don’t care – I’ll get myself a life !

    Your Ex


  2. Dear Employee,

    Could we try counseling? I understand that there is someone who might help over at the IKEA store.

    Your chair




  4. Dear Employee,

    You’ve always been too concerned about your comfort and style. I’m over it. Don’t let the floor hit you on your way out.

    Your former Chair


  5. Dear Employee,
    This new chair in your life is just temporary. He’s no match for me. I promise you that you will regret leaving me. We had something special. Remember that chair that disappeared from your office. I know I said that I wasn’t responsible. But he just looked at you the wrong way. I’m telling you that you don’t want to replace me. We’re a perfect couple.
    Your Chair for life.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Dear Employee,

    You need to lose weight.

    Your broken Office Chair


  7. Dear Employee,
    Parting is such sweet sorrow. But I will serve another loyally as always.

    Your Chair πŸ˜‰


  8. A chair , a chair ! My kingdom for a chair !


  9. LOL! Love the post and the responses!


  10. Wonderful! I left my office chair behind, too. πŸ™‚


  11. mommylovesmusic Avatar

    I’m debating over trying this myself…are you happy you did?


  12. Dear Employee – have you tried standing for work? More comfortable in the long run and better for your health… Love, the Chair.


  13. I hate giving up old clothes, old refrigerators, old cars. But honestly, until I read this delightful post I had never thought of having to part with my office chair. It will be a sad day.


  14. Just wonderful! So much can be outgrown. Somethings, though, are never replaced.


    1. I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic. I hope not!
      Some things definitely can’t be replaced. In fact, most things can’t be replaced if they really mean something to you.


  15. This relationship…reminds me of a rather unsupportive man😭😭😭 is it meant to? Is this about business or pleasure..or both.πŸ˜”


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