The Office Plant


Missed Connection

To: Plastic Mini Plant

Location: The Office


You: Firmly planted on the windowsill. Smooth as a Las Vegas card shark on a Tuesday afternoon.

I pass by your window every day on my way to the library. I love your low maintenance style.   I feel like you could fit in at a Walmart as well as an upscale boutique. Nothing gets you down because you are straight up chill. Doesn’t matter if it’s spring or winter, you always light up my day.

Don’t listen to people who say you’re cold. Being sterile and clean is a good thing. You’re not like some kind of clingy fungus. You’re the most independent beauty I’ve ever seen.

I know people call you fake, but you are as real to me as my love for you.

– Always Phresh

9 responses to “The Office Plant”

  1. MultidimensionalHE Avatar

    This made me smile and reminded me of myself in a metaphorical sense a bit. 👌


  2. i love this post so creative!


  3. Love the format you chose!


  4. Smooth as a Las Vegas card shark on a Tuesday afternoon. Now there’s a great line. Loved your post : )


  5. Love this!


  6. Really enjoyed your point of view. If people thought more about what’s real to them as opposed to what others think, we’d all be be in a better place.


  7. Victorine Sara Avatar
    Victorine Sara

    I love the way you write! So different, funny how it sinks in more it’s referred!

    Liked by 1 person

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