The Magazines



People is for sale.

All of them as one, wrapped in plastic. How did they get themselves caught?

At first they were too large. Big, broad shoulders too wide for scrawny dresses and heads the size of thoughts: they had to become smaller. Tiny phones holding the world of web made them crane, straining their necks into squares. One by one, person to person, they shrank.

Into the flashes of cameras, people curled up inside miniature frames. One shot shows a smile. Another, a wave. One shot has a pensive look. Another, shame. The eyes are scanned and recognized, but they all seem mostly the same. These are the people beside the candy bars.  

I’d like to buy the People. Every one of them, into my purse. Crinkling on top of one another, they cut up. Get plastic surgery. They slip around one another like business cards -I’d buy what they’re selling. Whether it’s clothing or just the material, People stands for stands of people. They still stand on top.

8 responses to “The Magazines”

  1. essenceoftimeblog Avatar

    If they only knew their worth, it is what no money can buy ❤


  2. Such an interesting use of words. LOVE it!


  3. Very truthful words. Models sell products. It’s a very interesting concept…in order to sell a model of something like a train engine you would show the best example of that engine. The expressions are taught in modelling schools…there is a science behind it so old it’s also used in tarot cards. Imagery, Iconography atheistics the science of what appeals to most eyes is pretty much proved, I babble sorry.


    1. Wow. That is interesting.


  4. MagneticMommy.Life Avatar



  5. Great post


  6. Jude Raphael Rodriguez Avatar
    Jude Raphael Rodriguez

    Stupendous and very thought provoking


  7. Steven James Humphreys Avatar
    Steven James Humphreys

    Poetry in motion.


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