Melmac Dish

This was published in Linden Ave Literary Journal

Dear Melmac Dish,

I hope this doesn’t come across in the wrong way. You are a beautiful dish in your own right and I admire your sturdiness. It is clear that you’re a very accommodating plate and will always hold as much as you can. However, I’ve been talking it over with the group and we’re not sure if you would make the right impression for our annual family dinner.

Your resume is quite impressive and it’s not that we don’t appreciate your thrift store past, it’s just that we find you might have a difficult time relating to the others. This place setting is reserved for someone with more experience in the fine dining atmosphere.

Your hard edge must have served a good purpose for you in previous jobs, but we feel that the chip on your side can not easily be mended. I understand your last dinner party overlooked this aspect, but unfortunately this is a more formal setting.

In addition to the manners in which our table uphold, you also seem unfit in the looks department. While you were once, I’m sure, a beautiful, bright blue, you appear to have faded throughout the years. The decorative design that tattoos your whole body is a bit much for our usual look and to be quite frank, your complexion is not what should necessarily be showcased for this particular event.

For this years dinner we would really prefer all of our table to be matching. I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, but we will not be needing your services at this time. If you are still looking for a place come June, perhaps a summer picnic outside would better fit your needs.

Best of wishes,

– The Silver Spoon.

10 responses to “Melmac Dish”

  1. That’s hilarious 🙂


  2. Hi there.

    Thank you for liking my post. Reading your Melmac Dish post reminded me of something I wrote years ago. I plan to post it soon and wonder if I can pingback to you?




    1. Thanks. We’re scheduled for 13 January.


  3. Haha, this is so funny! 🙂


  4. Congratulations on getting published. You do know that The Silver Spoon can be sued for age discrimination, don’t you?


    1. I do think the Melmac Dish has a very good case.


  5. LOL. So funny. Thank you for sharing. Thanks also for stopping by my blog once more. I appreciate it.


  6. That was clever. You got my Snort of the Day Award which normally goes to a bizarre group of known bloggers but this was too good to miss.


  7. I really enjoyed this. Especially how the ‘Silver Spoon’ was the one passing judgement.

    Very well done!


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