The Comma

This is my piece, Comma, which was published with The Noctua Review


It’s the little hours I like best. In between moments of rest and wake, eyes parch like paper. Scratchy and dry they turn toward the edges of something missed by only a mark.
The Almost, but Not Quite of a woman turning her head or the skinny places where buildings almost touch. It’s the cross section between thoughts that mean something and thoughts that want to be something. They intersect, briefly touching in a fleeting moment before the intensity is too much. The period at the end of the sentence seems too final.

13 responses to “The Comma”

  1. Love the imagery in this piece. Congratulations, too!


  2. Beautiful piece that is itself in the boundaries between prose and poetry.


  3. This is a stunning piece of poetic prose. The imagery is evocative and enchanting. Beautiful. x


  4. I was a Comma once. Then I grew up to become a Period.


  5. Beautiful. I think I might be a semi-colon, unable to commit to anything.


  6. Wow, the imagery is astounding!!


  7. I nipped over from the Calliope Writing site where this poem had been reblogged just to say how much I like it.


  8. Congratulations on your publication! What a fantastic piece!


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