The Door Knobs


“You push and I’ll pull.”

“No. YOU push and I’LL pull,” the brass knob said to the silver. They had been yelling all night which was really no different than what they had been doing their whole lives. The in and out and black and white and push and pull of their lives had become routine. This argument would have been no different if it hadn’t concerned the little boy.

The little boy came to their house once every year around the holidays and would treat their door terribly. He would pull or push at their knobs until the spare guest room door swung open with such a force, it shook the door frame. He was a brat of a boy. Only seven, but with an anger and a fire that tore up the house in the flash of an eye. The door knobs had been expecting him ever since they could smell the sweet smell of pine from the Christmas tree.

“Damn it. I don’t want to argue with you again,” the brass knob yelled to the silver. Of course, this wasn’t the case at all. He lived to argue. When she turned one way, he twisted the opposite and when he moved in one direction she would counter him perfectly.

“Then don’t argue, and just push.”

“He’s going to push on your knob before he reaches mine.” The brass knob said. “If you don’t push, then you’ll mess up the whole door.”

In addition to the little boy having a temper, he was also left handed. This made the entire house creak and groan with every different twist and turn he made. The silver knob was not giving up though. Instead, she insisted on staying put. She was not pushing nor pulling in any different direction.

During the evening at around five p.m. the door knobs heard the little boy run into the house. His shouts and cries for his mother echoed across his grandmothers house endlessly. With a force as fierce as a cannon, he ran up the stairs and toward the guest room.

“Brace yourself,” the brass knob said to the silver.

“Oh hush,” she said. But when the little boy grabbed the silver knob, he twisted harshly and pulled to the left. The silver knob held tight to her position. She was never very good with change and insisted that she could only move in one direction. With a terrible clunk, the little boy pulled the silver knob so hard that she popped off the guest bedroom door. Her body fell from his small hand and she landed with a clang on the hard wood floor.

Having no one left to push and pull with, the brass knob teetered to the left and then to the right. When he could find no balance, he too crashed to the floor. With a loud thud, he landed exactly on the opposite side of the door.

17 responses to “The Door Knobs”

  1. Those poor knobs! I hope they won’t be separated like that for long. After all, Brass Knob needs to be given the chance to say “I told you so.” 😉


  2. Excellent personification!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Aw! I love this imagery, and the ending is gorgeous. 🙂


  4. Great story. I believe you could write about anything and it would be fascinating!!!!


  5. I love the way you brought the boy into the narrative. Very good.


  6. An excellent piece.


  7. Great story, who would have thought that you could make a little fun story about door knobs…..very creative and well written. Glad you stumbled upon one of my little crazy posts.


  8. Christina Butcher Avatar
    Christina Butcher

    Very creative, I agree, and I like that you chose inanimate objects as your main characters


  9. Great story! I hope that little boy outgrows his cruelty towards inanimate objects. Sounds like a budding vandal…


  10. Clever story. Cheers:)


  11. Magnificently poignant…Love this!!


  12. This is perfect, my choice, of great writing. I use inanimate objects all the time in my work. Obviously, you know the secret then, there is more going on than we know, and flies ‘do’ take notes! Great Job, look forward to more


  13. claudiajustsaying Avatar

    This is my favorite so far, however Comma is next and I’ve had my rants about Comma’s power.
    Love the personification of every day objects. You’ve inspired me! Seriously just saying.


  14. Beautiful piece. Loved the door knobs. Pushing and pulling with and against each other and in the end, needing eachother for their continued existence. When do you think we stupid humans will ever learn that? -KIA


  15. You can bring alive anything ☺


  16. You have such a skillful and imaginative way with words. Very enjoyable. 🙂


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