The Bubble


On an oppressively humid night, the air gave up. It was too much. The heat raged through, leaving little in its way. Grass baked bald, leaving green streaks stripped to brown. Life choked. The ground caved forward, folding over and over before giving way. Air took its last breath.

The fish survived. Their universe expanded with flowing oceans that sunk the earth. Never a gasp, word, or song passed their tight-lipped assurance. The world was new. The world was theirs. By the grace of slow gliding fins, the world was silent.

At the very bottom, a woman stared up. I read her thoughts like a book.

“How will we ever survive this?” Her thought was a bubble on a down turned page. I would have gasped, but the air had grown distant.

12 responses to “The Bubble”

  1. Such creative and evocative imagery, I love it! Great use of anthropomorphism.


  2. nice pic and even better writing


  3. Great imagery, it works well. 🙂


  4. Lots of layers of meaning in this post. It will take me some time to understand them all. As usual an outstanding offering.


  5. Christina Butcher Avatar
    Christina Butcher

    What a wonderful piece!


  6. Oh man, everything about this is awesome, in just a few paragraphs you managed to capture so much! >:D


  7. Fantastic imagery and great sensory details!


  8. Nice! Sort of reminds me of ‘The Prisoner’ TV series.


  9. Earthy and authentic. Makes you think. I tried to connect to the link but it said the article is no longer available.


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