Lip Gloss


I saw her mouth as a vicious knife. Slick and skinny with a biting quality that lingers. She could be cutting. Words flew from her with a force greater than God. She had that much power.

I was sitting in the back shelf of a makeup counter when I first saw her mouth move. She had just told her daughter off. Is that makeup you’re wearing? – you look like a floozy. I felt my body ache as the daughter picked me up and stuffed me, crammed me, into her pocket.

Hidden from the light, I will forever remain her dirty little secret.

9 responses to “Lip Gloss”

  1. Deliciously written. There is so much scope for the imagination here!


  2. Ah, the poor disabused lippy, caught up in the middle of it all! Poor little tube… I’ll never forget how my husband reacted when our daughter started wearing it. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. After he shackled her in a chastity belt, of course… 🙂


  3. Beautiful and so sad.


  4. Ah, to see the light one more time.


  5. Love the way you manage to get so much story in so few words.


  6. Written from the lip gloss POV – I like it. 😉 Cheers, Dave.


  7. Nicely done. Thanks for stopping by my blog again. I appreciate it.


  8. So many emotions evoked here… Truly a pleasant trollop away from the drudgeries of my normal day… Thanks for the break.


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