The Present


Dear Present,

Thank God we’re over the past. It was an ugly time for anyone, but especially hard on us. There were times when it seemed you would never get here, but I knew you were stuck in time.

I know you think I was running from you, but really, who wouldn’t? You were so creepy with your insistence on everything now. Images of bad 90s workout videos to songs like Pump Up The Jam were a constant threat to my reality. Would anyone want to listen to that when Jane Fonda seemed so much better?

Everything looks better in Sepia. Even those bowl haircuts that boys used to have. Now they’re almost cute. Now that they aren’t around anymore. What is it that goes on now that will look better in the future? I know. I know. It doesn’t matter, it’s not happening. Future and past don’t exist.

But let me ask you one thing, before we figure it out. Did you ever say to someone “Live in the moment” only to laugh at yourself? Just for a minute. Disregarding the idea that you truly believe what you say, did the humor ever reach you, when you truly wished it wouldn’t?

Which moment, is what I want to know, did you decide you weren’t my future?

I enjoy what we’ve got going on right now and I’m not trying to give you grief.  But please, let me know: if you want to go further, I can always take you back.



9 responses to “The Present”

  1. The present comes around when we know what we want it to be. That’s when the future comes into focus too. Ignorance of the present hands the reigns to default and chance. Then we become drifters and hitchhikers in our life. (inspired by Boland Cellar Sixty-40 Cabernet-Shiraz)


  2. Love everything about this!


  3. Living in the presence needs a lot of practice. Because this moment will become past the next moment.


  4. Well crafted story. Anand Bose from Kerala


  5. this was beautifully written!


  6. Nice. The past can be mesmerizing. I know from long experience. Good post — and I wanted to say thank you for liking my own post of “This is Fun.” Appreciate it. Thanks.


  7. Lots going on in that note. Love it.


  8. This makes me feel sad, Very poignant, real and touching.


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